A comprehensive, four-year educational program
to educate women with rich humanistic values and an international outlook
We believe that university education is not simply about providing knowledge and academic ability. It should also offer "people
skills" such as global awareness, a rich liberal-arts background, refined taste, and teamwork—all of which are necessary to prosper in our
borderless society. At Seitoku University, education is not limited to knowledge in a specialized field.
We offer a comprehensive scope of courses that all students are required
to take, regardless of their intended major. This diverse range of
studies ensures that we provide our students with a well-balanced
education that prepares them for their area of specialization while
broadening their horizons.
Faculty of Child Studies / Department of Child Studies (daytime and evening courses) Five courses to understand childhood development
from an interdisciplinary perspective, emphasizing practical application
Early childhood education requires a blend of social, welfare, psychological and educational aspects, taking into consideration the latest theories and techniques. This department incorporates these varied aspects into its basic program, carrying on its "Seitoku for Child Education " tradition. At a time of greater focus on the problem of troubled children, and a rising social need for training of primary school teachers, these five courses provide graduates with a greater understanding of infants and young children, and expertise in their chosen course.
Each course offers a curriculum emphasizing practical application, and is adaptable in the workplace. Our training in childhood education has been highly praised, with numerous graduates entering the childhood education field each year, and many taking positions as primary or nursery school instructors.
Child Culture Course (daytime course only)
In this course, students study and come to understand the range of culture that children encounter in the course of play. Graduates acquire the ability to create, express and interact with children, as well as work with children to help them understand themselves and envision their future.
Child Psychology Course
This course examines children from the standpoint of clinical and developmental psychology. Graduates are eligible for qualification as a Certified Psychologist, and become educators able to care for the psychological needs of children and to advise parents.
Elementary Teacher Training Course
Graduates of this course acquire Primary School Teacher's Licenses (first class), and are also eligible to acquire qualifications as a kindergarten teacher or daycare teacher. After classes in other related fields, students can enter a specialist program to become instructors with specialized teaching skills.
Preschool Teacher Training Course
This course carries on the tradition of "Seitoku for Child Education ," cultivating human compassion and a sense of duty toward preschool education. Students concentrate on one of six specialist areas. They are trained to become confident child-care providers able to demonstrate leadership abilities.
Day Care Teacher Training Course
This course includes four specialty areas designed to give future daycare teachers the skills they require in response to today's social needs, including child-raising support, family assistance, and long-term nursery care. Students learn in an exceptional educational environment that cultivates caregivers with a rich, humanistic spirit. |
Faculty of Psychology and Welfare / Department of Psychology Students acquire a solid foundation in the theory and practice of psychology, with the aim of becoming women who are proficient in human relations, knowledge and humanity.
Problems of the mind are increasingly in focus in today’s world. Because these problems can arise in everyday lives, increasing attention is being paid to such work as psychological counseling. These professions seem glamorous at first glance but they also entail many responsibilities that require sheer practical competence, such as conducting interviews, writing reports, and tabulating the results of psychological tests in numerical form.
Clinical Psychology Course
In our Clinical Psychology Course, students are prepared for graduate school, in order to acquire future qualifications as a clinical psychologist. Most of the instructors in this department are qualified clinical psychologists, possessing a wealth of knowledge acquired from extensive careers in specialized fields. Students can gain a wide range of knowledge.
Family Psychology Course
In the Family Psychology Course, students engage in specialized study of issues concerning the family, which are so deeply entwined with every aspect of life. This course considers the modern family, drawing on historical changes and differences across cultures, to examine how best to cultivate a happy home and be a better partner and wise mother, amid the increasing diversity in family structure.
Social Psychology Course
The Social Psychology Course examines how society is formed through the process of relating to other individuals. Students learn methods of conflict resolution, effective ways of working, and other skills and approaches useful in interpersonal relations. These approaches can be applied in familiar settings such as the workplace and family.
Faculty of Psychology and Welfare / Department of Social Welfare
Training highly skilled,
knowledgeable and caring
welfare professionals
The crucial aspect of social welfare is the ability to consult with the mentally or physically disabled, the elderly, or those facing difficulties in the course of their everyday lives, and to offer them advice, aid and solutions. In this age of declining birthrates and an aging population, the need is growing for social welfare professionals with specialized knowledge and skills. In response to these needs, we train students as Certified Social Workers, Certified Psychiatric Social Workers, Social Welfare Officers and Yogo Teachers/Health Teachers who are able to engage in a wide range of social welfare issues. Graduates become hands-on professionals with both compassionate feelings and an ability to judge calmly, trained to put themselves in the position of others and offer needed solutions.
Social Welfare Course
This course teaches social welfare skills for tending to the needs of children as well as the elderly, with an emphasis on a warm, compassionate outlook and well-balanced judgment. With the goal of cultivating social workers who are essential to the fields of health and welfare, Seitoku University's Social Welfare Course fully prepares students for the national social worker and psychiatric social worker certification exams. Students in this course may also pursue nursery teacher certification.
Care and Welfare Course
Being a professional care worker requires more than having caregiver skills and know-how. One should also maintain an attitude of wanting to understand those needing care, as well as remain ever conscious of one's ties to society at large while providing necessary care. Building upon the fundamentals of social care work, this course is aimed at producing care workers with deep insight, high ethical standards, and a broad outlook.
Yogo Teacher Course
Yogo Teachers (Health Teachers) work closely with schoolchildren to encourage their healthy growth and grapple with various issues related to school health. In the Yogo Teacher course, students are trained from a primarily social-work-oriented perspective to become Yogo teachers capable of managing a school infirmary.
Faculty of Literature / Department of Literature
At Seitoku University, students acquire the foundational skills required of a modern working woman. Students cultivate communication and career-design skills and develop the ability to respond flexibly to problems, from problem discovery to resolution.
In addition to the personal and technical training offered by the former Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Literature cultivates strong communication skills from a variety of perspectives, providing comprehensive finishing education. The aim of this Faculty is to develop independent women who can collaborate with others who hold a diverse range of values, and apply that flexibility to anticipate and respond effectively to challenges.
English Language and Literature Course
Students acquire high proficiency in Japanese and English. The am is to cultivate women who are capable of self-actualization while considering a variety of issues from a global perspective.
Japanese Language and Literature Course
Students in this course learn about issues in everyday usage of Japanese language. They also study Japanese literature from ancient times to the modern era, adopting a broad perspective that encompasses all of East Asia. To acquire the skills to teach the Japanese language overseas, lectures are offered in Japanese-language teaching methods.
Japanese History Course
Our staff of instructors is versed in specialized fields such as archeology, art history and the study of folklore. Through lectures and guidance, instructors teach these subjects systematically from every possible angle.
Japanese Calligraphy Course
Asian calligraphy is a beautiful cultural tradition that is unique in the world. In a rich and supportive teaching environment, our students learn not only the correct ways of writing Japanese but also the intricacies of Japanese calligraphy. Students learn the five styles of Japanese calligraphy: kaisho or regular script; gyosho, running script; sosho, cursive script; tensho, seal script; and reisho, clerical script. They also learn kana (syllabary) and tenkoku or seal-engraving techniques. In addition, students produce their own works of Japanese calligraphy.
Career Communication Course
Through fieldwork and internships, students engage in dialogue and collaboration with others, and discover and resolve problems, with emphasis on real experience in places of social service. In this way they develop the communication skills that will serve them as proactive actors in today’s society.
Library Science Course
Students study a teacher-training curriculum, in tandem with subjects related to teacher-librarian, to acquire qualifications as teacher-librarians.
Faculty of Human Nutrition / Department of Human Nutrition (National Registered Dietitian Program)Professional dieticians
and nutritionists for
healthy dietary habits
As Japan becomes a country with aging demographic trends and a low birth rate, the environment of food consumption is changing dramatically. Japanese consumers are increasingly eating outside the home, suffering excessive stress and diversifying their eating habits. Under these circumstances, the need for nutritional education, including of teaching children appropriate eating habits in an educational setting, is more urgent than ever. The foundation of the study of human nutrition is to understand food not merely as a delivery system for nutrients, but as the means by which we can elevate ourselves in body, soul and as a social being. Rooted firmly in this stance, Seitoku University trains registered dietitians and nutrition teachers how to respond flexibly to the eating habits and health conditions of modern people today.
The Department of Human Nutrition also provides individual education in cooking techniques through a battery of practical training sessions.
Faculty of Nursing / Department of Nursing Seitoku University emphasizes the development of nurses with dignity and character, with the practical skills
To provide more patient-focused medical care, today’s medical workplaces require nurses who can apply their talents as part of a multidisciplinary team including other professionals such as physicians, nutritionists, pharmacists, clinical lab technicians, occupational therapists and social workers.
In the Nursing Program of the Nursing Department, we cultivate nurses who excel in working jointly with others in a medical team, with a strong understanding of the virtues of team membership and team leadership. Leveraging the strengths of Seitoku University, a comprehensive university that boasts a Nutritionist Course, a Social Services Program, a Psychology Program and even a Music Therapy Course, students in the Nursing Program develop a diverse, multifaceted perspective and strong communication skills that will serve them well in a team at their future medical workplace, through wide-ranging exchange with instructors and fellow students in related fields.
Faculty of Music / Department of PerformanceAn elite instructional staff and rehearsals with guest musicians: Seitoku University's wide-ranging musical studies give students a rich cultural foundation.
Spiritual development goes hand in hand with the aquisition of advanced techniques on the road to becoming a skilled musician. Even aspiring performers must have a sense of humanity that allows them to reach out to society, becoming aware of the world around them and the emotions of their audience, rather than soley immersing themselves in specialized skills. The university provides an environment that gives students the opportunity to pursue a wide variety of fields from a technical standpoint. Under the aegis of outstanding faculty and professional performers, students mature into well-rounded musicians as they polish their skills.
Composition Course
Commercial jingles, mobile phone ringtones, editing music magazines—today's music industry calls for a composer's skill in many different applications. With a blend of basic classical theory and modern computer technology, students can create music that suits their unique style while receiving comprehensive instruction that helps students uncover countless possibilities for their future.
Singing and Opera Course
This curriculum includes not only solo, choral and chamber-ensemble singing, opera and musicals, but also exploring fully the very concept of "singing" with a focus on practical lessons such as in history, foreign languages, physical expression, and stage performance. Eminent conductors and orchestras join students as they take on the university's customary year-end performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and regular concerts, intramural recitals, and group activities such as the Opera Research Club or the Musical Research Club offer numerous opportunities for students to exhibit their skills as they learn how to appeal to their audiences.
Instrumental Course
A full complement of preeminent instructors, still active and flourishing in their musical fields, teach a rich curriculum covering piano, organ, strings, woodwinds, and percussion. Courses focus on individual lessons built upon frontline techniques and a wealth of experience, with finely-tuned instruction that takes into account each student's individuality and skill level.
Musical Course
In the Musical Course, students learn from seasoned professionals with the wide variety of knowledge and techniques required in each arena, including the history of musicals, dance, singing, stage construction and much more. Musical conductors, directors, choreographers, assistant lecturers and others are invited to participate in high-level productions. Students learn the full range of skills required in musicals from the basics up, including singing, jazz dance, tap-dancing and drama.
Faculty of Music / Department of Comprehensive StudiesA wide range of research and spheres of activity bind music to society as a whole.
Music continues to evolve with changing times and social environments. The Department of Musicology is for those individuals who aspire to be composers, researchers, music teachers, or music therapists, positions whose well-rounded abilities are in high demand in today's society.
Through the creation of music from an overall perspective, and by applying the knowledge of music education, medicine, and psychology through research, the department seeks to train individuals for the field of music therapy.
Music Education Course
Drawing on the benefits of a wealth of teaching staff who provide skilled music instruction, students learn techniques and skills that can be put to use in any number of fields. For example, students can receive training to help them implement their know-how as music teachers in elementary and high school education. This course makes constructive use of visual aids and other practical guidance to help draw out unique teaching styles. It is an enjoyable way for students to grasp theoretical concepts and improve their expertise.
Music Therapy Course
Music therapy, which aims to restore the functions of body and mind through music, requires not only musical techniques and education, but also a wide-ranging understanding of medical treatment, social welfare, and psychology. As a comprehensive university, Seitoku University is particularly well-suited to offering a course in this broad field. The Music Therapy Course features instructors who have not only mastered advanced music therapy techniques, but who also come to us from the fields of medicine, education, and social welfare. In addition, there are members of the teaching staff who are capable of serving as liaisons with overseas facilities or who are particularly knowledgeable about Japanese music.
Music Leading Course
People relate to music in their lives in many different ways. In this course, students accumulate the knowledge and skills that will enable them to pursue active careers as instructors in a diverse array of fields. Graduates can pursue careers as music instructors in schools (including pre-schools), regional and other music instructors, and professionals in a wide range of music-related businesses.